Monday, April 5, 2010

Sushi, Fondue, Grandpa's Eggs, Dips, Steak and Potatoes

Matt pointed out that I haven't posted anything in a week - I apologize. Honestly we don't cook as fancy of meals during the week lately and then we were so busy with family in town that I barely even touched my computer! It was a great Easter weekend as Matt joined the Catholic church and was baptized. It was an especially wonderful Easter since we were able to really stay focused on the religion behind the holiday.

Now for the food:
Thursday we made homemade sushi - always one of our favorites. I'm still working on the perfect sushi rice since it seems to be tricky!

Friday I made a simple spinach salad with artichoke hearts and marinated tomatoes with toasted ravioli and marinara sauce for lunch for Claire and I. It was the perfect light lunch on the patio in the sunshine! For dinner we had Matt and I's staple cheese fondue - mozzarella, chicken broth, tomato paste, and pesto. We dipped bread, potatoes, baby pickles, zucchini, squash, etc. - Delicious!

Sunday we had the infamous Grandpa's eggs for breakfast - always a treat especially with the colorful eggs! Never better than on Easter morning.
Then we snacked on a trio of tapas: Shrimp Dip (Matt's favorite) with club crackers, Corn and Tomatillo Salsa with tortilla chips, and a new recipe of mine: Simple Bruschetta with Crostini and Basil Oil. It was awesome!
Dinner was twice baked potatoes, Strawberry pecan salad with Balsamic viniagrette, and New York Strips with a rub and homemade barbeque sauce. OH yeah!

Want any of these recipes??? Let me know and I'll send them your way.

1 comment:

  1. it turns out that our family really is invested in Grampa's eggs...
    you guys had it on Sunday morning, and mom said that uncle rob made it for them too.
    and then i made it for myself on sunday night, and so did Kate!

    wahoo for traditions...even the sisters who don't cook made it!
