Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Easy to Clean Bacon Grease

 My dad always seems to have a can lying around when it's time to get rid of bacon grease. I never seem to be that lucky so I've found the next best option. I actually think I like this a little bit better.

I know, I know. I'm a southern gal - I'm supposed to keep my bacon grease for cooking. However, I wasn't raised by a southern lady and I don't cook southern food very well. So alas, I turn my back on that southern norm and toss it right in the trash.

Line a small bowl with a piece of foil so that it hangs over the edges.
Pour all that warm grease in there and let it sit until it hardens.

If you live in 100 degree weather and your air conditioner seems to stay at 75 all the time (like mine), it may never harden. So put it in the fridge and you'll get it to solidify.

Curl up all the ends to make a little pouch and you can throw it right in the trash! Since it's hard it won't leak everywhere and it's easy clean up.

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