Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Bake Zone

Matt has officially reminded me that my baking skills are not up to par with my cooking skills. Why do I know this? Well, this past weekend I made my dad some oatmeal raisin cookies with chocolate chips in it. After I served the cookies with milk to my dad and Matt these are the responses I got.

Dad: after a big yawn - "this feels just like kindergarten, I'm gonna take a nap now."

Matt: "These are the best cookies you've ever made honey!"
Anne: "Matt you don't even like oatmeal raisin cookies."
Matt: "Well I know, but at least they aren't burned this time!"

Although I laughed when I was baking cupcakes yesterday I forgot about them being in the oven TWICE. They didn't burn, thank goodness, but still. I am not cut out to be a baker. If I EVER decide to open my own restaurant I'll make sure that I have a pastry chef to handle the desserts.

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