Saturday, January 29, 2011

Newly Inspired

Believe it or not the time has come that I'm finally inspired again to finish the cookbook. Dare I say that I'll actually finish it this time? We'll see... I did however order a darling new apron (is it sad that I own 3 already and my husband has 2 himself - soon we'll need an apron closet!) with my cookbook's title, "blue garlic," monogrammed in script on the front. It is going to be so cute! So with that new push of excitement I sent sample recipes and a description of what I want the book to look like to my wonderful brother in law who is going to write a computer program for me that will format all the pages to look the same. How cool is it that: #1 he CAN do that, and #2 that he actually came up with the idea and OFFERED to do that for me. THANK YOU SID! Now all I have to do is narrow down the number of recipes, edit each recipe, cook everything and take photos, design a cover, edit the introduction, figure out where/how to get it printed, compile the index, put everything in order, get them printed, etc..... no big deal.

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